
Dear Parents and carers,

On Thursday the year 5 class led the Assembly with a focus on Mary, the Mother of God, as we begin the month of May. The children reflected on her qualities of humility, simplicity and charity and reminded us of the following. Being humble is one of the most important values we should have, not thinking we are better than others and being willing to learn and grow. When we are humble, we’re open to receiving Christ’s love and guidance. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a great example of humility, she didn’t let pride or selfishness get in her way. Instead, she kept serving God with all her heart, we can open our hearts to Jesus by serving others with love and kindness. Mary lived with great simplicity reminding us that true happiness doesn’t come from material things; we can find joy in simple moments. Also, charity is at the heart of everything that Mary did. Being a mother involves being charitable and deeply generous in our actions. It is an act of sacrifice. We believe the value of charity is a kind of love. The children’s singing and reverence throughout the assembly was very moving and it touched the hearts of us all.

Fire engine visit to Early Years Altrincham Fire Service came into school on Monday, in which they explained and demonstrated to the children what it was that they do at work. The fire service explained and taught the children about calling 999 in emergencies. The children then had the opportunity to explore the fire truck and spray the hose.

Boys Football:

The boys football team played in the quarter finals at St Paul’s High School on Thursday evening, Unfortunately, they were beaten by a very strong St John’s team but they can hold their heads high after what was a very competitive, hard fought game. They have conducted themselves brilliantly throughout the whole competition and we are all very proud of what they have achieved. A special thanks to the staff that have helped the team, especially Mr Phillips who has gone above and beyond to enter the team into competitions and to organise the fixtures to give the boys the chance to represent their school at football a memory that they will never forget.

Lancashire Cricket- Wednesday 1st May The children had a lovely day of cricket with Hope who came in from the Lancashire Cricket Foundation to promote all the benefits of playing cricket and to develop their skills. Each class in KS1 and KS2 enjoyed a 45 minute session and even the teachers enjoyed a session after school to develop their subject knowledge and ability to teach cricket as part of our PE curriculum.

Next week:

Rebound Fitness Day -

Tuesday 7th May Children will be taking part in an activity day to support health and well-being. On this day children should come to school wearing their school PE kit so that they can fully engage in the day.

Feast of the Ascension –

Thursday 9th May Children will be attending Mass at 9:30am to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. Parents are most welcome to join us at Church.

Year 4 Visit to the Whitworth Art Gallery -

Thursday 9th May The year 4 will be visiting the Whitworth Art Gallery as part of their Art and Design topic on print making. Parents must consent online for their their child to attend and contribute to the cost of the trip. As the year 4 class will not be able to attend the morning Mass they will mark the Feast of the Ascension with a liturgy during the afternoon session.

Attendance: The year 2 class had the best attendance with 98% and enjoyed an extra play this afternoon. The whole school attendance at 95.5%. The school will close for the whit break on Friday 24th May and re-open on Monday 10th June. Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Mrs Bramhall,
