Art and Design Statement

‘With joyful hearts, we love, learn and praise as the family of God’


At Sacred Heart we believe that our Art and Design curriculum should engage, inspire and challenge all pupils providing them with the tools to deepen and master skills such that they can create individual expressions of art. We aim to create opportunities for pupils to experiment using different media and techniques, encouraging them to think critically and evaluate their design and final pieces of work.

Our Art and Design curriculum has been planned to develop and build progressively upon key skills and knowledge that are required to enable our pupils to think critically and explore their own ideas and emotions. They investigate ways in which art has influenced and reflected history through investigations of well-known artists and link this to their own cultural surroundings and heritage.


Please click here to see the Long Term Plan for this year.

At Sacred Heart, our Art and Design curriculum is taught through the framework of the 2014 National Curriculum for Years 1-6 and is delivered weekly by classroom teachers. Pupils in Early Years explore and experiment with art through the aspect of Exploring and Using Media and Materials as part of the Early Years Curriculum.

Medium term planning looks carefully at the key skills needed at each stage of pupils’ development in art. Each unit of work is planned around 4 key strands of learning process with each strand being progressive and building upon prior knowledge:

Strand 1 – Exploring and experimenting with new skills

Strand 2 – Developing/planning ideas

Strand 3 – Create

Strand 4 – Evaluate

Pupils attainment is assessed throughout the unit of work with final pieces being evaluated by the class teacher. Pupils are also involved in self and peer assessment of their compositions. Progress is measured at the end of each unit and is based on the age-related expectations alongside progress towards the key skill being evaluated.

Monitoring of outcomes help to inform the subject leader’s action planning in art and design and to inform aspects of learning that need to be strengthened to improve the quality of provision and to enhance pupil progress.


At Sacred Heart we aim for our pupils to be exposed to a variety of great Artists both past and present, male and female, local and worldwide so that pupils are learning about multiple approaches and styles. They will begin to understand the History of Art and respond with individual interpretation and critical judgement.

The provision of a high-quality art and design education aims to develop within our pupils, a range of skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas, particularly Science, Mathematics, Computing and Design Technology.

Through careful planning and focus on the National Curriculum objectives, we aim to ensure that all pupils:

  • produce creative work using skills they have learnt
  • explore their ideas and record their experiences
  • become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
  • evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and
  • understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.