At Sacred Heart we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which enables every child to make excellent progress and develop a life-long love of learning. Our curriculum has been developed to meet the needs of all children. Over their time at Sacred Heart, children build their knowledge up and skilfully apply their knowledge as skills. Our outcomes show that our curriculum has a great impact on the children.
Our subject leaders are passionate about the curriculum and also ensure that our curriculum is enhanced by visiting speakers, educational visits and enrichment activities.
In order to help you support your child we offer information about our curriculum so that you can fully support your child in their learning.
Curriculum Newsletters provide parents with information on the curriculum content and offers guidance on how you as parents/ carers can support learning at home. In addition we hold other curriculum workshops that focus on areas such as: assessment, phonics & early reading, mathematics. Open days and stay & play sessions provide parents with further insight into the curriculum.
Please do ask your child's class teacher about the curriculum if you would like any further information. Please find below links to the Curriculum Statements, Long Term Curriculum plans and Topic Overviews for each subject.
For information on the whole school vision for our Curriculum, please click here.