Attendance and Punctuality

Our school’s Designated Senior Leader responsible for Attendance is:   Mrs Fitzsimons

You can find our full Attendance Policy here.

It is important that schools and families work together to help children obtain the best possible start in life with a good education. The Government regards the minimum satisfactory attendance level for a child is 95%. Our school target for attendance is 97%.



If your child is going to be absent, please ensure that you phone and leave a voicemail on (0161) 998 3419 BEFORE 8.30am on their first day of absence. You must state a detailed reason for their absence (i.e. not just “poorly”). Parents may be asked to provide evidence in order for us to authorise this absence (e.g. prescription, appointment card, etc). You are required to contact school on each day of their absence to keep us updated.

Holiday Requests

Regular school attendance is vital for your child’s educational progress.  We expect all parents/carers to ensure that their children attend school whenever possible.  Absences due to holidays taken in term-time can impact on your child’s progress. 

If you wish to apply for your child to be absent from school during term-time, please complete a Leave of Absence Request form (available from the school office) and return it to school at least two weeks before your intended absence. Requests for leave of absence will be considered in line with our policy and will not automatically be authorised.  

If your child is absent from school because they are on holiday and this absence has not been authorised or they do not return to school on the agreed due date, you may be issued with a Penalty Notice of £60 rising up to £120 per parent.  Your child may also be at risk of losing their school place. 

Attendance and Punctuality

Table 1 – This table shows how non-attendance equates to the number of sessions and lessons missed.

Attendance during one school year

Equivalent Days Missed

Equivalent Sessions Missed

Equivalent Weeks Missed

Equivalent Lessons Missed


9 Days

18 Sessions

2 Weeks

54 Lessons


19 Days

38 Sessions

4 Weeks

114 Lessons


29 Days

58 Sessions

6 Weeks

174 Lessons


38 Days

72 Sessions

8 Weeks

228 Lessons


48 Days

96 Sessions

10 Weeks

288 Lessons


57 Days

114 Sessions

11.5 Weeks

342 Lessons


67 Days

134 Sessions

13.5 Weeks

402 Lessons

Table 2 – This table shows how minutes late each day equate to overall school days lost. Please work with us to establish a punctual start to the day.   

 Attendance pic.GIF



Please see here a Guidance Leaflet for parents containing further information.

  • Aim for 10 hours sleep each night for your child – this will make the following day at school easier for them to cope with!
  • Make sure your child eats breakfast - it helps them stay alert at school!
  • Get their school bag ready the night before – even better, encourage them to get it ready the night before themselves!
  • Develop a night time routine that involves checking their homework, reading and bed.