Catholic Life

At Sacred Heart, we aim to create an environment where children are taught by example to grow as happy, flexible, responsible, independent, creative and adaptable people, showing tolerance among themselves and towards others.

As a Catholic school, we seek to develop an ethos whereby the spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs of all within the school community are supported.

Religion at Sacred Heart is not confined to a just a timetabled lesson, but is emcompassed within all of our teaching. Here, the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of each child is addressed through all aspects of the curriculum as well as through the various day-to-day situations and opportunities that arise.

Formal RE is delivered through the scheme The Way the Truth and the Life, which is followed according to the Shrewsbury Diocesan guidelines.

The Way the Truth and the Life scheme is implemented from Early Years through to Year 6. Each year is split into 6 topics, one per half term and is organised to coincide with major events in the liturgical year. Each year group studies a different topic.

Developing Our Faith

We will achieve this by:

  • fostering positive relationships
  • treating everyone fairly
  • valuing and encouraging the good things in every person
  • adults being role models
  • participating in high quality collective worship and enriching liturgies
  • celebrating difference through our understanding of other faiths
  • using every opportunity to promote spiritual and moral development
  • following positive class rules and codes of conduct
  • reaching out to the wider community
  • delivering enthusiastically a well resourced, well planned 'The Way, the Truth and the Life' Scheme of Work